Thursday, February 26, 2009

planning party

See you all tonight at Jerome's. I will print out our blog for distribution.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Congrats Kathy for deciding to run for school board. That is awesome!! And while I appreciate the hint you dropped in your 'example' and your kind words about me running for governor, it'll never happen! I simply have no desire... I think instead of moving to Phoenix, I'd rather continue making what little difference I can in the microcosm of my backyard ~ lovely Flagstaff. :)

Friday, February 13, 2009

FLP Project 2009

With the talent of our class finding the right project should not be a problem. I might suggest we clean i.e., painting, etc., some place that houses those in need and make it a very pleasant place to go to for people that don't have that opportunity. I am thinking of  the home for women, a place for kids, like a McDonald's house or the like. But when are we going to sit down and discuss these projects so we can collectively make the best choice? (I wanna get started already, Arf!)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Sorry we had to leave early, family called. So far the two ideas of helping the Christmas in April program and clearing graffiti are great ideas. No matter what we decide I definitely like the documentary idea. I can't wait for another party that I can stay for. Thanks again Jen and The Green Room for your hospitality.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

party people

once again, i'm sorry i could not attend tonight's planning party; i had another longstanding meeting tonight that conflicted. i'm finding that i am quite booked the first week of the month... so, please consider that for the next party ~ you'll have to know that i love parties! haha...

anyhow, i am just checking in. I like the idea of working with a school. in addition to rebecca's school (i think it's NAU College of Ed, right?), i also offer Marshall Elementary School as another possible laboratory. i also love angie's idea of benefiting FLP to provide scholarships to interested citizens that cannot pay the entire tuition fee.

let us know what transpired at tonight's planning party. thanks!

hello, again

See you all tonight. The ideas are all really great here. Maybe we could make a documentary of our project with Polka music as the sound track, screening at the Green Room....

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Class Project Idea

One suggestion for our class project could be supporting the Christmas in April Program. We could help a couple of families in need of small home repairs, painting, etc. Tasks might include cleaning up the yard.
I understand Kevin has an idea and am interested in his thoughts.

hello, authors

Hello again, I sent everyone an invite to be authors. If you want to see the comments left on posts, just click on the comments pencil-thingy. I will ask Cheryl her address and add her into authors. At this point, I don't have any ideas, but am thinking,thinking....

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Settings to permisions to adding authors

I just checked in, so cool to see people on the blog, I didn't know if it would work. I have to run but will figure out the permissions thing for adding authors. Anne

Friday, January 16, 2009

And it begins

Hello Fellow FLP'ers.

Here is a blog forum for us to see if it works. We can begin our "brainstorm" on our class project and just keep in touch. I am not a super blogger by any means, but this seems pretty straight forward. It is an option, not the only way, to communicate.
As a technology immigrant, I am open to other ideas as well. Have a great weekend. We could have a class project doing my dishes....